Fifth Annual Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in Szeged – Call for Papers

On behalf of the organizers, I am happy to announce that the Institute of Comparative Law and Legal Theory (University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences) will host the 5th annual Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in Szeged (WIPS) on May 4-5, 2020 in Szeged (Hungary).

WIPS is organized by the University of Szeged to explore current issues in intellectual property law. This year’s event opens two main tracks for application. The next conference invites presenters to submit their abstracts in two tracks: “Towards a more uniform European IP law” and “Technological innovation and intellectual property”.

We will welcome two keynote speakers: First Advocate General Maciej Szpunar (Court of Justice of the European Union) and Professor Estelle Derclaye (University of Nottingham).

You might read the Call for Papers here. Please take a look at it, and in case you are able to join us, please submit your abstract by the latest of January 31, 2020.

For your consideration: WIPS5 takes place shortly before another notable event, namely, CICL (Conference on Innovation and Communications Law). The 12th Annual CICL will be hosted by The Center of IP, Media and Innovation Law at the Danube-University Krems and the IT|IP-Law Group of the Vienna University of Economics and Business. The CICL will take place in Vienna and Krems (Austria) on May 7-8, 2020. (For further details see

Should you have a chance to visit this region of Europe (Szeged and Vienna are only 4-5 hours from each other), please consider combining the two events.

We wish you a pleasant end of the year, and I hope to have a chance to meet you either in Szeged or Vienna/Krems in 2020!

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