LES Conference 2016 in Budapest

I N V I T A T I O N (Preliminaty announcement) In co-operation with LES Austria and LES Czech Republic the Licencing Executives Society Hungarian Chapter cordially invites you to a one day Central European Conference.

Components of Success; Challenges for Startups and the Role of Intellectual Property in Business

On Monday, November 14, 2016 10:00 to 17:00at the Conference premises of the Restaurant Bohém, at ground floor of the building of the Palace of Arts, Budapest (1095, Budapest, Komor Marcell u. 1.)

The program will contain respective pairs of presentations from all the three countries, from the most experienced professionals and businessmen.

The lunch will be served at the venue and between the two parts of the afternoon sessions coffee, tea, soft drinks and salty and sweet cakes will be served.

The preliminary participation fee is € 50 for LES and € 60 for non members.

The organizer’s accept even modest sponsorship used mainly to enable participation of students and young people interested in Licensing and IP.

In the Foyer of the venue there will be place to position posters and materials for sponsors.

Further details will soon be announced.

Board of LES Hungary


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