Prof. Dr. Péter Mezei

Dr. Péter Mezei graduated as a lawyer in 2004 and as a legal translator in 2005 at the University of Szeged. He earned his PhD degree in Szeged in 2010. The Szeged Law School honoured him with the Pro Scientia Price for the Best Published Dissertation of 2010-2012 in June 2012. He is fluent in Hungarian, English and German.

He is a full-time faculty member of the Szeged Law School. He was awarded an honorary adjunct professorship (dosentti) at the Faculty of Law, University of Turku (Finland) in December 2014. He is a visiting professor (professor invité) of the Université Jean Moulin Lyon III (France); and a chief researcher of the Vytautas Magnus University. He was a part-time faculty member of the College of Law, University of Toledo (United States) and a visiting professor of the Bocconi University (Italy). He coordinates the joint intellectual property LLM program of the Technical University of Dresden and University of Szeged on the Szeged side, and the Comparative Intellectual Property Law LLM programme of the Szeged Law School.

His courses focus on comparative law, as well as comparative, digital, International and European copyright law. He is teaching both in Hungarian and English language at the Szeged Law School. He has delivered close to 100 English language in person or online lectures at universities in Finland (University of Turku; University of Eastern Finland; University of Helsinki), the United States (University of Toledo; Case Western Reserve University of Cleveland; University of Baltimore, University of Louisville, UC Davis Law School), France (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Université Catholique Lyon, Université de Strasbourg), Germany (Technische Universität Dresden, Universität Potsdam, Leibniz University Hannover), the United Kingdom (Ealing School of Law and Criminology, Bangor Law School, Aston University, University of Glasgow), China (Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Nanjing University of Science and Technology), Spain (University of La Laguna, University Pompeu Fabra), Austria (University of Krems), Poland (University of Krakow), Czech Republic (Masaryk University), Italy (University of Udine), Portugal (NOVA University), Ireland (University College London) and Russia (Rossijskij Gorudarstvennyj Pedagogiceskij Universitet of Saint Petersburg). He has held over 250 conference presentations in Austria, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Nigeria, Portugal, Spain, the Sudan, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

He is the author/editor of over 230 books/articles/book chapters/book reviews. His main articles in English language are accessible via the SSRN. He prepared the national report for the 18th International Congress of Comparative Law (2010); for the 19th International Congress of Comparative Law (2014) (co-authored by Anikó Grad-Gyenge); and for the 21st International Congress of Comparative Law (2022) (co-authored by Barna Arnold Keserű). He has been participating in the H2020 research project “reCreating Europe”, and has joined projects run by the Hungarian Copyright Forum Association; the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office; De Wolf & Partners Law Firm (Belgium); KEA European Affairs and the Research Center in Information, Law and Society, University of Namur (Belgium); Public Policy and Management Institute (Latvia); Center for Intellectual Property Policy and Management (United Kingdom); the University of Amsterdam (IViR, the Netherlands); and Visionary Analytics (Lithuania), University of Torino (Italy).

Six of his graduate students successfully defended their PhD theses, and he is currently the supervisor of six PhD students in Szeged, at the University of Eastern Finland, at the University of Lapland and at Aalto University. His undergraduate students won 17 different Hungarian contests with their papers on copyright and media law.

Besides his academic career he is working as a legal advisor specialized in the field of copyright law. He is an elected member of the Hungarian Copyright Expert Board, and the copyright deputy leader of the Hungarian Industrial Property and Copyright Law Association. Twelve (out of twenty-four) of the expert opinions he contributed to were published in official journals. He is a member of, inter alia, the European Copyright Society, the AoIR, the EIPTN, the EPIP, and the ATRIP.

He is running a Hungarian language blog about the challenges of internet and copyright law. His blog was elected to be the 10th best “expertise blog” on the Goldenblog contest of 2012; and the 10th best “business blog” on the Goldenblog contest of 2014. The blog was awarded the “Millennium Prize” of the Hungarian IP Office in 2018.