H2020 ReCreating Europe – WP6 online workshop on May 5
As a part of the H2020 – ReCreating Europe project, Work Package 6 hosts an online workshop („ReCreating Europe Webinar: Public and private regulatory framework of online intermediraries„) on the research methodology and outputs of the WP members on May 5, 2020.
Technologies enable unprecedented democratization of cultural practices and the production and use of intellectual property. The creation of an effective system of sustainable norms for digital copyright is a major challenge due to four phenomena: copyright complexity, sidestepping, knowledge gap, and awareness gap.
With its multi-disciplinary approach, bringing together researchers, practitioners and stakeholders, reCreating Europe, a recently launched EU Horizon 2020-founded project, will deliver ground-breaking contributions towards a clear understanding of what makes a regulatory framework that promotes culturally diverse production, and optimizes inclusive access and consumption.
This online workshop is organized by Work Package 6 („Intermediaries”) of the ReCreating Europe project. WP6 focuces on the public and private regulatory framework of online intermediaries, with a special focus on the Copyright in Digital Single Market Directive, Member States’ regulations as well as the private ordering of intermediaries. The work package intends to follow a comparative legal and social sciences & humanities approach.
Researchers are keen to analyse intermediaries’ role (rights and duties) in enhancing lawful consumption of protected subject matters online and in tackling infringing user behaviours. In this workshop, we will share and discuss the research findings of the WP6 members so far.
The speakers of the event are João Pedro Quintais, University of Amsterdam, IViR, WP6 leader; Christian Katzenbach, Alexander von Humboldt University, HIIG; João Carlos Magalhaes, Alexander von Humboldt University, HIIG; Sebastian Felix Schwemer, University of Copenhagen; Péter Mezei, University of Szeged; István Harkai, University of Szeged.
The event will be on May 5, 2020, between 9:00-11:00am CET. To join the event, please sign up via the following link.