ALAI essay writing competition
ALAI launched an essay writing competition for the next generation of copyright researchers. Apply now!
In the spirit of inspiring the next generation of Intellectual Property experts, ALAI, with the support of GESAC, have launched an annual award for students.
The award, which ran its first edition in 2019, rewards the writer of the best essay that relates to authors’ rights. The essay should have a European dimension and include aspects related to the collective management of authors’ rights.
Students of all nationalities are welcome to apply. See here for the full eligibility criteria and prize details (French version).
This year’s winner will be selected by the following expert jury presided over by Prof. Frank Gotzen, President of ALAI:
- Caroline Bonin, Head of Legal Affairs, SACEM
- Gábor Faludi, outside Counsel for Artisjus
- Paul Torremans, Professor of Intellectual Property Law, University of Nottingham
- Raquel Xalabarder, Catedràtica de Propietat Intellectual, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
17 November 2019 Deadline for students to write 1-page abstract on their essay
1 December 2019 Editorial Committee selects max. 10 abstracts that are eligible for the award
16 February 2020 Deadline for students to submit their essay into the designated format
1 April 2020 Editorial Committee selects winner(s)
Place and date TBC Award ceremony
Application forms (French version), abstracts, essays and questions can be sent to
ALAI is an independent learned society dedicated to studying and discussing legal issues arising in connection with the protection of the interests of creative individuals. Copyright and performing artists’ rights are today an integral part of fundamental human rights as enshrined in several international conventions, declarations and charters.