Online „IP nyári egyetem” – Krakkóban, szeptemberben

Még 2018-ban történt, hogy a krakkói szellemi tulajdonvédelmi nyári egyetemen előadást tartottam (amely út alatt a Leonardo emlékév ötlete is megfogant a fejemben), és azóta is szoros kapcsolatot ápolok a lengyel kollégákkal. Az idei nyári egyetemüket online kínálják majd – én pedig örömmel reklámozom a kiváló programot.

Ami pedig így hangzik:

The Jagiellonian University in Krakow is pleased to invite you to participate in the 4th edition of Krakow IP Summer School which, due to the pandemic, this year will be held online 14-18 September 2020. In line with the leitmotiv of this year’s program – which is IP Quality – the 2020 edition of the Summer School will be a platform for critical thinking about the quality and value of IP today. We believe that the team of lecturers who are eminent scholars and practitioners and the voice of the most important IP offices, i.e. WIPO, EPO, EUIPO guarantee the validity of the program. We also plan to offer skill-building workshops relevant to scholars and IP practitioners: how to present and convince, how to get published in IP.

Attached please find a tentative program and promotional materials. Details on registration and participation can be found on the website

We look forward to seeing you online this year and hope to host you in Krakow next year!

Kraków IP Summer School Team

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