AI és szerzői jog #5: az Európai Parlament az AI-copyright oldalán
Én csak most láttam, elkerülte a figyelmemet a nagy leállás alatt, de az Európai Parlament Jogi Bizottsága 2020. április 24-én olyan draft jelentést tett közzé, amely az AI-szerzői jog (valamilyen formájú) bevezetésének megvizsgálását javasolja.
A vonatkozó jelentés 9. oldalán található szerzői jogi rész egészen pontosan a következő:
As regards copyright, the condition of originality, which imprints on the work the personality of its author, could constitute an obstacle to the protection of AI-generated creations. However, the general trend with regard to that condition is towards an objective concept of relative novelty, making it possible to distinguish a protected work from works already created. AI-generated creation and ‘traditional’ creation still have in common the aim of expanding cultural heritage, even if the creation takes place by means of a different act. At a time when artistic creation by AI is becoming more common (one example being the ‘Next Rembrandt’ painting1 generated after 346 works by the painter were digitised so that they could be processed using AI), we seem to be moving towards an acknowledgement that an AI-generated creation could be deemed to constitute a work of art on the basis of the creative result rather than the creative process. It should also be noted that a failure to protect AIgenerated creations could leave the interpreters of such creations without rights, as the protection afforded by the system of related rights implies the existence of copyright on the work being interpreted.
Therefore, it is proposed that an assessment should be undertaken of the advisability of granting copyright to such a ‘creative work’ to the natural person who prepares and publishes it lawfully, provided that the designer(s) of the underlying technology has/have not opposed such use. This reasoning would be in line with the European system of protection of ‘works data’; such data may be exploited as part of the data used to train AI technologies which can then generate secondary creations, including for commercial purposes, provided that the right to such use has not been expressly reserved by their rightholders.
Én épp a mai napon tettem fel az SSRN-re egy ezzel kapcsolatos komplett cikkemet. Gyorsan beledolgoztam az anyagot – és őszintén kíváncsi vagyok, milyen eredménye lehet egy ilyen vizsgálatnak (amire az EP tett javaslatot). Én nem osztozom ebben a pozitív lelkesedésben, szerintem az AI-outputok egy jelentős részét nem szabad a szerzői jog ernyője alá vonni.