ReCreating Europe: project started!
Me and my colleague, István Harkai, have the privilege to participate in the ambitious H2020 “reCreating Europe” project. The project will last for 3 years (2020-2022), and it aims to focus on the pre- and post-CDSM landscape of (digital) copyright law of the European Union. ReCreating Europe officially started with a kick-off meeting in Pisa this week.
More than 20 participants (from 10 organizations and the European Commission) gathered in the beautiful Tuscan city of Pisa, in the building of the prestigious University of Sant’Anna on the morning of January 20, 2020. Our purpose was to officially launch a Horizon2020 project that has the ambitious goal to analyse multiple aspects of copyright law in the European Union.
Sant’Anna’s Rector Sabina Nuti opened the event and wished the attendees great success in the project. Following Rector Nuti’s opening remarks the project coordinator, Caterina Sganga (from Sant’Anna), introduced the administrative aspects of reCreating Europe. We also had the honour to welcome three representatives of the European Union (two – Bence Kertész from DG CONNECT and Jarkko Siren from REA – on the spot, and one – Ann Uustalu from DG RTD – online), who expressed their deep interest in the project, and also provided some insight into the tasks and obligations we’ll face from an administrative perspective.
The event continued with the presentation of all work packages (WPs). WP leaders (or task/subtask leaders) introduced each task/subtask, targets, planned methods, roadmap etc. of their respective work package.
ReCreating Europe includes five substantive WPs. (It also has one WP on management and coordination and another on dissemination and outreach.) The five substantive WPs cover all fields and issues (and challenges) of copyright law in the Digital Single Market: end-users; authors and performers; creative industries; GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives and museums); and intermediaries.
The “Szeged team” will contribute to WP2 on end-users, WP5 on GLAM, and WP6 on intermediaries. While we will have some leadership obligations on the subtask-level (in WP2 and WP6), we intend to provide detailed help to our colleagues on Hungarian copyright law. Szeged will also host three main events: two workshops (in WP6) and another event that will combine both a general project meeting and a smaller workshop on GLAM (in WP5). More precisely, we’ll host colleagues in May 2020; April 2021 and April 2022.
The second day of the kick-off meeting started with the convention of the Project Management Board and the General Assembly. All administrative and organisational questions were discussed by the attendees of these sessions.
The project is not only an ambitious plan of over two dozen dedicated researchers, but a significant way to fill in the gaps that exist with respect to the awareness and knowledge of (digital) copyright law. We intend to map, measure and analyse the status quo, as well as to engage and shape the future of all discussed fields of copyright law. Ultimately, we aim to provide thorough support to policymakers and other stakeholders in their legislative work or other daily activities.
Stay tuned. We intend to post more information on the project on a regular basis – as soon as various outputs are delivered, events took place, papers are published etc. We both have a Twitter account (Péter’s and István’s), which are set up for this purpose. We aim (sorry, we shall) tweet more (short) news on a weekly basis.